Swiss teen vandalises Rome's Colosseum. Watch how a tour guide mocks her

Author:Brayden Lindrea 2023-07-19 11:52 44

The Italian police launched an investigation as a video emerged showing a teenage girl from Switzerland carving the letter “N” into the wall of Colosseum in Rome. This follows a similar incident just weeks earlier when a British tourist was caught defacing the 2,000-year-old monument.

Colosseum Vandalised: A view from the newly opened third level of the Colosseum.(AFP)

In the video which has been widely shared on social media, the girl was captured by a tourist guide as she carved on the monument. The guide quickly called the security at the site. David Battaglino- the tour guide- said that he had been showing the monument to a group when someone directed his attention to the girl.

"After a few seconds my group applauded me. To her, in English, I said, ‘Do you want applause?’ The young girl understood that she had ended up in the crosshairs of those who protect art and turned away to go toward her family," David Battaglino told the Italian newspaper La Republica.

The tour guide then approached the girl's parents who told him, "She's just a little girl, she wasn't doing anything wrong."

Social media users questioned the girl's actions with one saying, "Second person caught defacing the Colosseum in only a matter of a few weeks. What is wrong with people!", while another commented, “I don’t think she should go to prison. But she should have a fine and also Community service.”

Earlier, a tourist from Britain- 27-year-old Ivan Dimitrov- was caught carving his and his girlfriend's name on the monument. In a letter addressed to the Italian authorities, Ivan Dimitrov said that he realises “the seriousness of the deed committed” and “through these lines I would like to address my heartfelt and honest apologies to the Italians and to the whole world for the damage caused to an asset which, in fact, is the heritage of all humanity."

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Title:Swiss teen vandalises Rome's Colosseum. Watch how a tour guide mocks her


