To be or not to be! Is Florida going to censor Shakespeare too as part of new book-challenge law?

Author:Brayden Lindrea 2023-07-16 21:33 60

As Florida school districts grapple with a new book-challenge law, the works of William Shakespeare are being called into question, raising concerns about censorship and academic freedom. The law, which took effect on July 1, requires school districts to discontinue the use of materials deemed to contain "sexual conduct" that is inappropriate or unsuitable for certain grade levels. This has led to uncertainty and confusion among educators, with some fearing that even Shakespeare's renowned works could be restricted.

As Florida school districts grapple with a new book-challenge law, the works of William Shakespeare are being called into question, raising concerns about censorship and academic freedom.

The Impact on Book Selection in Florida Schools

School districts in Florida are now forced to reevaluate their book selection processes. Previously, a system called the Miller Test, which assessed whether material was obscene based on Supreme Court rulings, guided their decisions.

However, under the new law, districts must be cautious about any content that may fall under the definition of "sexual conduct." This has raised concerns about the availability of important literary works needed for advanced literature exams and dual-enrollment classes.

Works of The Bard of Avon at Risk

Media specialists like Kathleen Malloy, a school-media specialist in Leon County, worry that even Shakespeare's works may be deemed inappropriate under the new law. The interpretation of the law suggests that books with minimal instances of "sexual conduct" could be affected. The potential restriction of Shakespeare's plays highlights the impact of the law on the teaching of classic literature and the challenges faced by educators in navigating these restrictions.

Interpreting the Law and Potential Consequences

While awaiting guidance from the Florida Department of Education, districts have been cautious in their interpretation of the law. Some committees have leaned towards a conservative approach, prioritizing caution to avoid potential legal issues. However, book-access advocates argue that districts are being overly cautious and that the law may stifle academic freedom and limit students' exposure to diverse perspectives.

Increased Challenges and Potential Costs

Under the new law, parents who disagree with a school board's decision on a book challenge can request a special magistrate to review the decision, which could create additional pressure on districts and potentially force them to remove challenged books to avoid the costs of a legal challenge. The law also mandates the removal of any challenged book containing pornography or sexual conduct within five days until the complaint is resolved.

Defining "Sexual Conduct"

The law defines "sexual conduct" as including actual or simulated intercourse, exhibition or physical contact with genitalia, and depictions of sexual battery. This broad definition has raised concerns about its application and potential limitations on discussions of relationships, sexuality, and diversity in literature.

The Future of Book Selection in Florida Schools

The Florida Department of Education's guidance is eagerly anticipated by districts seeking clarity on the law's implementation. While the law aims to address concerns about inappropriate content, critics argue that it may inadvertently lead to censorship, limit students' exposure to diverse perspectives, and hinder their intellectual and personal growth.

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The ongoing debate over the new book-challenge law highlights the delicate balance between protecting students and preserving academic freedom. As districts navigate these challenges, the fate of Shakespeare and countless other literary works hangs in the balance.

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Title:To be or not to be! Is Florida going to censor Shakespeare too as part of new book-challenge law?
