US Attorney David Weiss' letter raise unanswered questions in Hunter Biden probe. Was there any political maneuvering?

Author:Brayden Lindrea 2023-07-09 00:35 56

As the investigation into Hunter Biden's alleged tax and gun crimes progresses, numerous questions remain unanswered. House Republicans are pushing for clarity on the decision-making process, while the prosecutor leading the probe has been tight-lipped about the details. Recent revelations and a letter from US Attorney David Weiss have raised concerns about whether Attorney General Merrick Garland misled Congress regarding Weiss's authority to charge Hunter Biden in other jurisdictions.

President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden.(AP)

With Weiss and Garland expected to testify before Congress and Hunter Biden's upcoming plea deal, here are some key questions that linger:

  1. Did Weiss seek permission from US Attorneys in California and Washington DC to file charges against Hunter Biden in those districts?
  2. Did Weiss intend to bring charges in California or DC, as claimed by the IRS whistleblower?
  3. Did Weiss request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General to assist in the Hunter Biden investigation?
  4. Will the Justice Department release correspondence between Weiss and US Attorneys regarding the case?
  5. Does Hunter's plea deal mark the end of the criminal investigations, or are there further developments to come?
  6. Was President Joe Biden involved in Hunter's business dealings?
  7. When will Weiss and Garland testify before Congress?

The Hunter Biden investigation has been a source of political contention since President Biden took office. Republicans are scrutinizing Weiss's authority, questioning whether he had the autonomy Garland claimed he had. While Hunter Biden has reached a plea deal with Weiss's team, many uncertainties persist.

Disputes over Weiss's Authority

IRS whistle-blower Gary Shapley alleged that Weiss attempted to bring charges against Hunter Biden in Washington DC but was obstructed by Matthew Graves, the top federal prosecutor in DC appointed by President Biden. Weiss, however, refuted this claim, stating that he had the ultimate authority to decide on charges and preserve the integrity of the prosecution.

He explained that his charging authority is generally limited to the Delaware district where he serves as US attorney but asserted that Garland had promised him special attorney status to bring charges in other districts. Weiss's ability to file charges in California and DC would require cooperation from the respective US Attorneys' offices.

Demands for Testimony and Documents

House Republicans have called for Weiss to clarify his authority, citing Shapley's email and Garland's statements. Weiss's letter to Republicans stated that he had not sought permission from California or DC, but he believed he would have been granted it if necessary.

However, Weiss declined Republicans' demands for documents and records related to interactions between the DOJ and IRS in the Hunter Biden case. He cited the need to protect confidential law enforcement information and deliberative communications. Weiss expressed his willingness to discuss the matter in more detail with the Committee at the appropriate time.

Upcoming Plea Deal and Testimony

Hunter Biden is scheduled to appear in federal court on July 26th for his plea deal. The agreement involves pleading guilty to misdemeanor tax offenses and avoiding charges related to illegally possessing a firearm as a drug user, provided he complies with the agreed-upon conditions.

Meanwhile, both Weiss and Garland are expected to testify before Congress, likely after the trial. These testimonies could shed more light on the investigation and address the lingering questions surrounding Hunter Biden's case.

Also read | Speculation soars as bookies point to Hunter Biden as White House cocaine culprit

The Hunter Biden investigation has been a contentious issue, raising concerns about the integrity of the Justice Department's handling of the case. With significant political implications, the outcomes of the investigation and the forthcoming testimonies may have far-reaching consequences.

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Title:US Attorney David Weiss' letter raise unanswered questions in Hunter Biden probe. Was there any political maneuvering?
